
By Stephen French Jr · Winchester, Virginia, USA


Pictura is a serif typeface for 9-12 points, distinguished by asymmetric serifs, a tilted axis, and slow curves which bring warmth and rhythm to an otherwise rational design. Its personality borrows the cheeky seriousness of American editorial design circa 1960-1980.

About Stephen French Jr

Stephen is a designer and filmmaker based in the United States. He has long been fascinated by letters, and since designing his first font in 2018, fascination has become obsession. He enjoys following the threads of type history and uncovering the layers of meaning encoded within every typeface.

Pictura used for the cover, table of context, and running text/header of a book.
Pictura used in a replication of a page of Ovid from 1509.
The three sets of figures included in Pictura.
A group portrait of Pictura's marks and symbols.